Lukewarm oil hand massage

Lukewarm oil hand massage

It is also extremely important for hands to be beautiful with beautiful faces. To make hands beautiful, women often go to the parlor to make manicures. It costs a lot of money. It is good to go to the parlor and do the manicure. Massage from the oil without spending money at home. By hand massage of oil with only 5 minutes for 2 to 3 times a week, hands will soft and nails too strong. Let's know the oil is the only way to massage oil and its benefits.
Lukewarm oil hand massage

Oil massage-Like This

Oil massage-Like This


First, put the lukewarm coconut oil in the bowl. You can also add Vitamin D capsules in it. Now, first keep your fingernails in this oil for some time. Then massage the oil in the palm and massage the whole hand. When the message is over, wash hands with lukewarm water. After this, clean your hands with a clean towel.

Benefits of massage

1. People whose nails are quickly broken. They should massage the nails with oil. Nail breaks will also stop and their glow will also increase.
Benefits of massage
2. Oil massage in between 2 to 3 times a week for 5 minutes makes hands soft and beautiful.
3. Massage by hand oil, blood circulation is fine. This makes the color of hands shine.

4. Massage of hot oil massage is very beneficial for those who have skin problems. They should massage oil daily. This does not spoil the patch for a long time.
5. If your nails are strict and difficult to bite. To get rid of this problem, massage your hands with oil. This makes the skin of the hands soft so that the nails are easily cut.

Things to keep in mind

Keep in mind that after massage with oil, do not wash hands with soap for a few hours. Also, do not wear nail paint on your fingernails for some time.

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